
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Our Reading Incentive Program

Even though we're doing the "Book It Program" I still wanted to reward my children to read even more. The picture below is an extra reward, by reading a book of their choice to any family member. If they choose to read anything else they also earn a sticker on their "Way to Go" chart. Once they fill their chart up, they will earn a $10 gift card of their choice. 

However, this will be like many other programs. It will not include school assignments, must be free will. This way it helps them to want to read more. Also, at the same time teaches them how to earn a little extra cash for that thing they want.

I purchased these from Dollar Tree, as well as many other items. They have these little charts available with other phrases as well. I have a few other ways to utilize those and will share those in a late post.

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  1. I have to say that I <3 this idea because my older son has NO desire to read but he DOES have a LONG list of things he wants... Perhaps this will be the answer we need to get him reading more!

  2. Great idea. I think this would really encourage my children to read more on their own.

    1. It works for my younger children, but lacks efforts for my older children.
