
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Make a Weaving Loom-Part 2

We assembled our weaving loom today. This had us thinking a little more about how we were going to secure our frame because we didn't have the corner anchor pieces to connect the two pieces of wood. However, we were able to put it together the old fashion way, by over lapping them. It worked out fine.

The most difficulty was securing the rods on each side because it required focus and sitting still for a long time. By the time we were half way knotting each piece on, all of my children had given up at that point. So, I finished the assembly portion of the knotting.

I then brought them back to help with securing the rods to the frame a little more because it was still floppy. They managed to help with no problem, but were eager to start weaving, but I needed to get up and move around. This process was about 2 hours with my children doing the first half and the last 30 minutes of me completing the loom. I needed to get up and stretch.

Tomorrow, we'll be deciding on what kinds of fabric will be used on this loom. We'll be weaving our fabric through yarn because we didn't have the same material from the video. However, as I stated in part one, that we'll be doing this project strictly from materials around the house. I will reveal why we are using this approach in the last post about weaving. So, stay tuned for that and happy weaving.
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