If you would like to have your button placed here. Please place my button on your blog and leave a link in the comments to where I can locate my button, and I will add yours. Thank you and happy blogging!
Hi! I wanted to let you know that it has been great having your blog listed on our blogroll page at LetsHomeschoolHighschool.com, and I have enjoyed seeing your posts come through the Homeschooling High School Parent RSS feed! I was also wondering if you might be willing to return the favor by adding LetsHomeschoolHighschool.com to your blogroll or sidebar? I'd love for your blog readers to have an opportunity to find a great site for everything related to homeschooling in the high school years. We have a "Grab Our Button" link on our About Us (http://letshomeschoolhighschool.com/about-us/) page to make it easy for you to add.
Thanks...I look forward to reading more of your blog!
ReplyDeleteThank you for adding our button!
ReplyDeleteAt the bottom under homeschool Resources
Thank you for adding our button!
Both are on the right sidebar. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to let you know that it has been great having your blog listed on our blogroll page at LetsHomeschoolHighschool.com, and I have enjoyed seeing your posts come through the Homeschooling High School Parent RSS feed! I was also wondering if you might be willing to return the favor by adding LetsHomeschoolHighschool.com to your blogroll or sidebar? I'd love for your blog readers to have an opportunity to find a great site for everything related to homeschooling in the high school years. We have a "Grab Our Button" link on our About Us (http://letshomeschoolhighschool.com/about-us/) page to make it easy for you to add.
Thanks...I look forward to reading more of your blog!